- Go Canucks Go!|Co-operative Community Building in Kindergarten|Whats the Matter?|Science and Math in Grade 4/5|Learning about Hibernation with Puppets
- Singapore Math in Grade Three|French at Pythagoras Academy|Pumpkin Exploration|Art, Art, Art!
- Van Gogh Sunflowers in JK|Kindergarten Pumpkin Patch Field Trip|Exploring Fall in Music|Learning the importance of clean teeth in JK|Pumpkins Everywhere!
- Soapstone Carving
- Water Cycle Painting | Pumpkin Exploration | Me in a Bag
- Musical Theatre
- Properties of Materials in Grade One
- What are students doing in PE this month?
- Learning in Kindergarten
- Check out the cool learning happening at Pythagoras Academy…
- A September to Remember
- Line and Pattern Artwork
- Year Long Projects Grades 5-7
- “Mashup – Cut, Copy and Quotation in the Age of Mass Media.”
- Our Earth
- Grouse Mountain
- Martial Arts Week
- Grade 5 Innovators
- Art Week
- Chinese New Year Celebration