School News
- Halloween at Pythagoras Academy
- Reading Buddies
- Pumpkin Patch at Southlands Farms
- Happy Thanksgiving!
- Grade 2 Students Love Math
- Learning in The Beaty Biodiversity Museum
- Indigenous Societies around the World|Volunteer Appreciation Tea
- Richmond Public Library Summer Reading Programs
- Sports Day|Grade 6/7 Squamish Sea to Sky Gondola Trip
- Aquarium Outing for Gala Winner’s Kids
- Quarry Rock Hike|Floor Hockey Tournament
- RBC Run for the Kids
- Rehearsing Beauty and the Beast
- Greg LeRock Concert
- Happy Mother’s Day|ELMACON Mathematics Championship|Indigenous Storytelling|Hands-On in Grade 2|Grade 3’s go to Grouse Mountain
- Jeans Day|French Plays|Beauty and the Beast|International Dance Day at Aberdeen Centre|JK Arts Week
- Best Organization at the 13th Annual International Cartoon Art Competition|Teachers Teaching Teachers|Earth Week|Bucket Filling in 1S|Bowling Field Trip
- Measurement in Kindergarten
- AIM French|Weather Study
- Survivor Challenge|Multiplication Strategies|Spring Nature Walk