Skating with Patric Chan
On Thursday, April 16th, the Grade 3-6 students were very excited to go skating at the Richmond Oval. We were invited by 2 River Green for free skate and the opportunity to see Olympic skater and world champion Patrick Chan. A great time was had by all.
Grade 3-4 Class Quotes:
Lukas-“Patrick Chan was very good on the ice.”
Michelle-“He did flips and spins on the ice, wow!”
Maddie-“Everyone got a free t-shirt and autographed picture.”
Jake-“There were 3 rules for us.
- No pushing
- No running
- Wear a helmet”
Tony Z-“We watched the Patrick Chan performance. He was a world champion for three years. He did lots of amazing moves in the performance. He spun in the air for 3 seconds.”
Jacob-“I think Patrick Chan is a cool guy.”
Vinna-“While we were eating a snack we got to see a performance of Patrick Chan and other figure skaters.”
Jason-“My favourite part was when he was dancing on the ice.”