The Way You Are Is the Way the World Will Be. PA New School Year Message
The 2020-2021 school year is beginning and the teachers and students of Pythagoras Academy are ready to bring their enthusiasm and dedication to make this year one filled with exploration, growth and joy. We have all enjoyed our families and our communities during the summer sun and are about to begin our learning journey together this fall. Our new experiences have reminded us all of our responsibilities, priorities and health as we have come together to witness a renewed pride in a community and a country that is working together towards a bright future.
Over the past few months, the spread of COVID-19 around the world awakened us to the fact that we are a community that thrives on mutual support and interdependence. As students, families and staff at Pythagoras Academy, we value gratitude, respect, open-heartedness and wonder as we strive to contribute to a better world. With family support, students spent the spring learning online at home, practicing self-discipline and exploring through real-life examples as they rose to the challenge of a new school reality. It is times like this that everyone is reminded that learning is a lifelong process. The students and teachers of Pythagoras Academy have faced the challenges of a different style of learning and are working together to use new skills and to explore opportunities that will allow our learning community to continue to grow and evolve.
Leading up to the start of this school year, administration and teachers have worked together, under the guidance of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education to create a safe learning environment for the entire Pythagoras Academy community. Cleaning and disinfecting supplies, health and safety routines and reworking of the physical space and timetables have been carefully organized to ensure that students are welcomed back to a safe and caring school. We are confident that the students’ learning will be focused around creative and challenging educational activities that will ensure our students continue to grow and thrive.
We sincerely hope that this unique time will give the students of Pythagoras Academy a deeper understanding of the connections between us all within the circles of our families, our school, our community and the greater world. These qualities of gratitude, respect, open-heartedness and wonder will enrich and support our students throughout their futures.
While we will be running two programs for a time, an in-class program and transitional program, we will still be working together as one community for the good of all.